Situated in the isolated Elandskloof Valley just North of Villiersdorp, Altima was purchased from the Overnstone Family in 2008. It is 5km wide and surrounded by a steep mountain range rising 1km from the valley floor.
With a total average rainfall of 906mm per year, irrigation is generally unnecessary before the end of December. Coupled with the huge difference in temperatures between night and day, this continental climate is perfect for grapevine development.
Vineyards are planted from 600m above sea-level, with the highest vineyard planted at 878m. The steep topography causes the valley to receive less direct sunlight, making for a distinct cool climate.
Good decomposed shale soils, from the Malmesbury group of soils, are the predominant soils on the farm. With high water-retention, organic matter and usually no chemical limitation it facilitates vigorous growth.
Planted to Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio, Pinot Noir and Merlot.